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Setup buttons and key bindings

Intercept the normal buttons

Add the content of ThisOutlookSession.cls to ‘ThisOutlookSession’ in the Outlook Visual Basic Macro Editor after having installed QuoteFixMacro and restart Outlook. You can then use the normal Reply/ReplyAll/Forward buttons. No need to add custom Buttons to the menubar. Currently a separate button for “ReplyAllEnglish” is required using the previous method as described in

This also works with the standard reply buttons that appear in the reading pane. It should also work if the reply event is triggered otherwise (e.g. by another macro) but I have not tested this.

Remap key bindings

Since Outlook does not support custom keybindings, you cannot map the shortcut Ctrl+R to the new FixedReply macro. Nevertheless, the mapping can be done by using AutoHotkey. It has to listen for Ctrl+R in Outlook sessions and send Alt+R to Outlook instead of Ctrl+R.

AutoHotkey macro for a German Outlook 2007

;A class matching is not possible in the outlook 2007 beta 2,
;therefore title matching is used
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

;For the message window
#IfWinActive Nachricht
Send !6

;For the outlook window
#IfWinActive Outlook
Send !r

Remark: In the message window, the reply button cannot be inserted as in Outlook 2003. The shortcut bar has to be used instead. The button was assigned Alt+6 after insertion.

AutoHotkey macro for Outlook 2010 and later

Similar to the above. Outlook 2010, however, does not enable the use of & any more. You have to find out the number of the button in the shortcut bar. Just press Alt and you’ll see the number. Use that in the Autohotkey Macro.